The IOSCO Asia Pacific Hub together with the World Bank Group and the Securities Commission Malaysia will be organising a Conference on Harnessing Islamic Finance for a Green Future from 14-15 May 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
In recent years, climate change has risen to the top of the development agenda, with 195 countries signing the Paris Agreement to fight climate change. Given the scale of the financial resources required to support climate mitigation and adaptation initiatives, coupled with the strain on government budgets, the mobilisation of financing through innovative instruments is imperative. Hence, the use of Islamic finance to support Green investments has been receiving increased attention, with the recent issuances of the first set of Green Sukuk to finance climate friendly projects.
The Conference will explore the use of Islamic finance to support climate mitigation efforts, including the use of Islamic finance instruments to finance climate friendly projects. It will explore policy, regulatory and institutional elements required for the sustainable use of Islamic finance to address climate change. There will be particular focus on the recent use of Green Sukuk to finance projects in the region and the potential replication of these instruments in other markets.
For details of the Conference, please refer to the programme.
For registration and queries, please contact Reuben Phillip or Azfalyna Aziz at [email protected].
14 March 2018
The IOSCO Asia Pacific Hub will be organising a special talk on “Warming Up to Climate Related Management & Disclosure”. The aim of the talk is to provide a better understanding of recommendations of the Financial Stability Board’s Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, and how climate-related risks and opportunities are assessed, price and managed for companies and investors to make informed decisions.
24 – 26 January 2018
The IOSCO Asia Pacific Hub will be hosting the IOSCO Assessment Committee’s Capacity Building for Self-Assessments Workshop. The aim of the 3-day Workshop is to assist IOSCO members to better understand and use the IOSCO Methodology for Assessing Implementation of the IOSCO Principles of Securities Regulation. The Workshop will entail training to identify gaps in regulation, procedures and processes, and to foster the implementation of IOSCO Principles and Standards.
3-4 October 2017
The IOSCO Asia Pacific Hub is conducting a Workshop on Leveraging Behavioural Economics for Investor Education and Investor Protection. The Workshop will review the approaches adopted by regulators globally on the application of behavioural insights to investor programs and initiatives.
The 2-day Workshop, scheduled for 3 – 4 October 2017 will include interactive sessions on:
- Decision mapping
- Intervention strategies
- Evaluation plans
- Case studies related to financial capability, savings and investment behaviour
World Investor Week 2017, 2-8 October 2017
IOSCO will be organising World Investor Week 2017 from 2-8 October 2017. Through this global campaign, IOSCO securities regulators will provide a variety of investor education and protection activities and highlight the various initiatives of securities regulators internationally. For more information, please refer here.
ASIC and Behavioural Economics: Regulating for Real People
Peter Kell, Deputy Chairman of the Australian Securities and Investment Commission – 21 October 2016
Making Competition King – The Rise of Behavioural Economics at the FCA
Martin Wheatley, Chief Executive of the Financial Conduct Authority – 25 March 2014
Applying Behavioural Insights to Policy-Making: Results, Promises and Limitations
Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development of the European Commission – 30 September 2013
Public Reports
Behavioural Insights – Key concepts, Applications and Regulatory Considerations
Ontario Securities Commission – March 2017
Behavioural Insights Applied to Policy - European Report 2016
European Commission – February 2016
Sound Practices for Investment Risk Education
IOSCO - September 2015
Investing in Hybrid Securities: Explanations Based on Behavioural Economics
Australian Securities and Investment Commission – March 2015
Strategic Framework for Investor Education and Financial Literacy
IOSCO – October 2014
Applying Behavioural Economics at the Financial Conduct Authority
Financial Conduct Authority – April 2013